Sunday, 13 March 2016

We think this is incredible!!!


BIG Day Out

We had such a cool time on the big day out!  Thanks so much everyone for helping us out.
Here are a couple of thoughts from Olive & Hue:

Riding in the Wind

We started at a steep and narrow path.  I had to go down quite fast, it was quite fun but I could feel stress and sweat running down my body.  Finally we reached the Manuka picnic area- I needed that break!  I was sooooo hungry.  We sat under a tree.  A few things we heard were cicadas, cicadas and more cicadas.

We went to the beach.  We went back, I saw it seemed so close- but as I keep going it feels like its miles away…but we got there luckily.  On the way home we had some fun doing some stunts.

By Olive

Epic Bike ride
I started off on the biking.  I was was desperate to get to the front of the class, but I couldn’t.  The rules were no over-taking.  Keeping a slow but steady pace, I made it to the picnic place.  We had lunch, we were allowed to go down to the beach and do rake art, or we could play at the picnic place.  I played Manhunt with my friends.  After we biked back to the ferry, then we biked back to school.  
My favourite part was the biking.

By Hue